Turiya is a Sanskrit word from the Hindu and Vedanta traditions. It is known as the fourth state. This state refers to an experience of being where one witnesses the other three states of waking, dreaming and deep dreamless sleep. Resting comfortably in turiya, we fully observe all glorious manifestations of life. From this vantage point we recognize that all the horrors and joys, the pleasures and pains, the bounded and the boundless are all aspects of lila, the play of life.

However, there is one more step that the free witness of turiya hast make. Back into the full form of manifestation while gracefully residing in emptiness. In this non-dual state of turiyatita, also known as One Taste, is where we reside in absolute freedom as ultimate love - watching the moonlight on turiya.

The production of this project was immensely enjoyable. I was fortunate to have incredible assistance from some fabulous people. Four people stand out in particular - Perry, Eric, Mirabai and the lovely Dorian Star. Thank you all for your dedication.

There are two streams occurring within the audio. One stream is the spoken word of a few of Ken's essays. Short exposes that will introduce you to his work and to the wisdom he is pointing to. The second is a kosmic journey. Woven between the essays, these shorts clips bring you through the adventure of meeting your true Self, and then beyond. To gain the full effects of the production listen while wearing headphones.

Take your time listening to these recordings. Feel free to download and pass them along. They are great if you need just a quick touch into some expansiveness, or to reconnect with the awe of what is going.

Embracing within, while traversing throughout, we are the adventure. Enjoy.